Category: Weekly Reflections

Digital Portfolios

Dig­i­tal port­fo­lios are a great tool to use in any class­room. Using these port­fo­lios, the teacher, stu­dents, and fam­i­lies can view stu­dents’ work any­time, anywhere.…

Coding in the Classroom

This week, our class explored a con­cept I am not famil­iar with in the slight­est: cod­ing. I had min­i­mal knowl­edge of what cod­ing actu­al­ly means…

Stop Motion Animation

This week held a lot of sur­pris­es, fun, and learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for me. What seemed to be a straight for­ward assign­ment, “teach a class of…


A Boost in Cre­ativ­i­ty This week our class was intro­duced to a new way teach­ers can help their stu­dents exer­cise their cre­ativ­i­ty and learn new…

Video-Supported Education

Although I did­n’t ful­ly under­stand it until recent­ly, I have always been a visu­al learn­er. My notes in class always include lit­tle sketch­es or diagrams…

Most Likely To Succeed

Big Changes, Every­where. This week our class watched a doc­u­men­tary called Most Like­ly to Suc­ceed. I was­n’t real­ly sure what to expect as I started…