Field Trip to the DRC

Vis­it­ing the Dis­trict Resource Cen­ter this week felt like being 10 years old and going to Dis­ney­land for the first time. I would have stayed there all day if they let me. 

We start­ed off our vis­it with a tour by a very nice lady named Max­ine. Max­ine showed us the DRC’S back­room of seem­ing­ly-end­less shelves, stocked full of resouces avail­able for teach­ers to bor­row. To say the least, the Dis­trict Resource Cen­ter exceed­ed any and all expec­ta­tions I had. It was essen­tial­ly a library of the most fas­ci­nat­ing and excit­ing things you can bring into the class­room — I want­ed to move in. I could­n’t believe what I was see­ing most of the time. I had heard of the DRC before, but I had no idea this is what it actu­al­ly was. I spent a lot of time brows­ing the shelves in the back­room. I found out­door equip­ment, tele­scopes, a plan­e­tar­i­um, biol­o­gy sets, ani­mal and insect mod­els, class-sets of book series, sci­ence exper­i­ment kits, and more. With­in 15 min­utes of being there, I knew there was­n’t a sin­gle class resource I could think of that the DRC did­n’t have or could­n’t get.

Pho­to by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Max­ine gave us some time to explore the cen­ter, which I was very grate­ful for. After we had a chance to get famil­iar with the facil­i­ty, she gath­ered us around and showed us how to nav­i­gate the DRC’s web­site. Just when I thought I had seen every­thing, she showed us how to access ebooks, movies, apps, and oth­er online resources approved for use in the classroom. 

At this point, I gen­uine­ly thought my day could­n’t get any bet­ter. Until we moved onto the next part of our vis­it, where Ryan McKen­zie took over the tour. Ryan showed us some of the tech­nol­o­gy he uses to cre­ate projects with stu­dents, rang­ing from sim­ple card­board build­ings all the way to high-tech 3D print­ing and Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty. Ryan explained how to book a class in to work with him, as well as all the pos­si­bile projects stu­dents can take on. After chat­ting with Ryan, he sent us off to explore some of the tech­nol­o­gy on our own and encour­aged us to try to cre­ate our own project using the avail­able tech! I had so much fun try­ing out the dif­fer­ent tech­nol­o­gy and exper­i­ment­ing with new things, and my brain was flow­ing with dif­fer­ent pos­si­bil­i­ties for future les­son planning.

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