About Me

Hi! My name is Alan­nah Hodi and I am cur­rent­ly a year 3 stu­dent in the East Koote­nay Teacher Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram. I am rel­a­tive­ly new to the area and am lov­ing explor­ing every­thing the Koote­nay’s has to offer. I was born and raised on Van­cou­ver Island, and made my way up to Kim­ber­ley when my grand­par­ents chose to retire here a few years ago. I would describe mov­ing to the Cran­brook area as the best choice I have made so far in my life. I have spent the last year and a half work­ing with an amaz­ing group of kids, meet­ing my part­ner, adopt­ing two cats (Toopy and Binoo), learn­ing more about myself, and becom­ing more pas­sion­ate as my future career as a teacher. I have want­ed to become a teacher for as long as I can remem­ber. I have a pas­sion for his­to­ry and cre­ative writ­ing, and I am so excit­ed to bring my inter­ests into my own class­room one day. I have been lucky enough to learn from some incred­i­ble teach­ers through­out my life, and it is because of them I am inspired to take on this jour­ney. On my blog you will find a vari­ety of posts doc­u­ment­ing my learn­ing expe­ri­ence at the Col­lege of the Rock­ies. I love to learn, and I plan on learn­ing for the rest of my life.