Category: EDCI 402

Literacy Mini Lesson III

I spent the last three weeks vis­it­ing a grade six class dur­ing their Eng­lish Lan­guage Arts peri­od. Dur­ing my vis­its, the stu­dents were work­ing on…

The One Book That Changes Everything

As a child, I always found joy in read­ing. Fond mem­o­ries flood my mind of los­ing myself in the cap­ti­vat­ing tales of the Mag­ic Tree…

Assessment & Reporting

Read­ing Reflec­tion Jour­nals Read­ing Reflec­tion Jour­nals (or Read­ing Response Jour­nals) are a great tool for assess­ing stu­dents’ read­ing com­pre­hen­sion, crit­i­cal think­ing skills, and emo­tion­al responses…

Story Vines

Sto­ry vines are a cre­ative tool used to enhance stu­dents’ read­ing skills. Sto­ry vines are cre­at­ed by braid­ing a yarn into a long strand, then…

AI Tools for Literacy

This week I decid­ed to look into some AI tools that teach­ers can use to sup­port lit­er­a­cy edu­ca­tion in their class­rooms. stood out to…

Literacy Mini Lesson

This week I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see one of the new and excit­ing instruc­tion­al tools being used in class­rooms. Project Read is a digital…

Mirrors, Windows, & Sliding Glass Doors

I recent­ly looked into Rudine Sims Bish­op’s anal­o­gy of “Mir­rors, Win­dows, and Slid­ing Glass Doors” after see­ing a video ref­er­enc­ing her work in the context…

Classroom Setup

The class­room I vis­it­ed today employed a vari­ety of approach­es to help stu­dents devel­op lit­er­a­cy skills. Although this class­room did­n’t fea­ture many phys­i­cal com­po­nents to…

Reading Interest Survey

How do you feel about read­ing? Tell me about it. I have always enjoyed read­ing, as long as it is a top­ic I am inter­est­ed in.…