The One Book That Changes Everything
As a child, I always found joy in readÂing. Fond memÂoÂries flood my mind of losÂing myself in the capÂtiÂvatÂing tales of the MagÂic Tree House and A Series of UnforÂtuÂnate Events durÂing my eleÂmenÂtary school years. TranÂsiÂtionÂing to midÂdle school, I eagerÂly waitÂed for my turn in the school library to get my hands on the newest book in The Hunger Games trilÂoÂgy. ReadÂing was a conÂstant comÂpanÂion throughÂout my childÂhood, until I entered high school.
I’m not exactÂly sure why, but my interÂest in readÂing dropped when I was in high school. Instead of findÂing joy in readÂing, I found it to be a chore and avoidÂed it all costs. While I parÂticÂiÂpatÂed in the required readÂing for novÂel studÂies and read the textÂbook when I had to, the joy and enthuÂsiÂasm I once felt for immersÂing myself in stoÂries seemed to evapÂoÂrate. Unlike in eleÂmenÂtary and midÂdle school, where teachÂers encourÂaged readÂing for pleaÂsure, high school seemed to priÂorÂiÂtize acaÂdÂeÂmics over perÂsonÂal enjoyÂment. GradÂuÂalÂly, the memÂoÂries of losÂing myself in the pages of a capÂtiÂvatÂing book fadÂed into the backÂground of my mind, overÂshadÂowed by the demands and presÂsures of stayÂing caught up on assignments.

A year after I gradÂuÂatÂed, I was on the phone with my oldÂer sisÂter, EmiÂly, when she recÂomÂmendÂed a book to me; Circe by MadeÂline Miller. IniÂtialÂly I wasÂn’t interÂestÂed; I haven’t read for fun in years, and I doubtÂed I would be able to read an entire book. She was perÂsisÂtent though, and her exciteÂment and pasÂsion about the stoÂry evenÂtuÂalÂly wore me down. I purÂchased the book at IndiÂgo, and went home to read it. I spent the next few days on the porch swing outÂside, sitÂting on the couch, and layÂing in bed- absoluteÂly and comÂpleteÂly lost in the book. I called EmiÂly the secÂond I finÂished, excitÂed to disÂcuss the stoÂry and share my thoughts with her. She was equalÂly as excitÂed to talk about Circe; we chatÂted for awhile before she said “If you liked that one, you should check out her othÂer book- The Song of Achilles.” It didÂn’t take any conÂvincÂing this time. I went back to the store, purÂchased the book, and went home to start reading.
I sit at home, 7 years latÂer, lookÂing at my bookÂshelf filled with my favourite stoÂries. More than half of the books I own were recÂomÂmendÂed by EmiÂly. It doesÂn’t seem like much, talkÂing about books over a phone call, but these conÂverÂsaÂtions about readÂing brought me back to one of the things I love most in life. I realÂize now that I nevÂer lost my love for readÂing, I just forÂgot about it. EmiÂly helped me rememÂber. As I move forÂward in life, I hope to be the EmiÂly in my stuÂdents’ lives. I want to be the perÂson my stuÂdents are excitÂed to talk to about their favourite books, and the perÂson they trust to recÂomÂmend new things to read. This book changed everyÂthing for me.